Editorial: The false promise of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s CARE courts
Homeless in California: the Americans forced to camp in the desert28 min audio
Gavin Newsom lectures to the people of Florida that if they value freedom they should move to California. But Gavin is doing all he can to turn California into a Psychiatric Police State, and starting with the unhoused.
Susan Eggman is in Mental Health, Social Work, and Euthanasia because she gets off on persecuting the family scapegoat.
Mark Ghaly and Tom Umberg lied in front of the Assembly Judiciary Committee!
Care Court is Forced Treatment, Designed to Remove People From View
Opposition to CARE Court (SB 1338) as Amended June 16, 2022
Why we vehemently oppose the governor’s “CARE Court” proposal — and so should you

California Governor Gavin Newsom is trying to subject the homeless to involuntary psychiatric procedures. Gavin's Care Courts, SB1338 and AB2830, and Al Muratsuchi's Homeless Courts Pilot Program, AB2220, violate due process and they would really screw up the lives of some of the most vulnerable, forcing them further underground, and forcing them to hide from authorities.
This just seems to be how Gavin thinks. He sees California as a medical police state, as a 40 million bed psychiatric hospital, and as an internment camp. Gavin is a self-serving ego maniac.
Gavin started on this kind of stuff when he was Mayor of San Francisco, the Care Not Cash Initiative. The Board of Supervisors never would have done this, but Gavin put it before the voters. So the homeless, the poorest of the poor, no longer got the full GA allotment, just a reduced amount. Gavin was making the homeless, a group already stigmatized and the poorest of the poor, into his scapegoat.
Gavin innundated us with this same type of idiocy during 2020 with his daily COVID press conferences, where he would fly over our beaches in the helicopter and then scold us. And then he scolded us because the precautions were not choking off COVID, and because the positive test results climbed from 5.1% to 5.6%. Like I said back then, "Unless you are seeking medical treatment, refuse COVID testing. All the results do is fuel Gavin's Gaslighting and Grandstanding." Even the government's own COVID data never showed anything which warranted Gavin's type of hysterical response. Hospitals were never close to overflowing. His precautions did not protect anyone from a COVID infection. And he never made any move to try and do anything to protect those who were at the highest risk. All he did was promote hysteria, while destroying people's livlihoods and businesses. Gavin thinks nothing of using 40 million Californians as political pawns. This time it had been for embarrassing Donald Trump. Gavin had been selected as one of the point men. It's because he knows how to follow orders, and it's because he wasn't on the ballot that year.
Looks like we get one free LA Times view per day. This May 2 letter to them is the most succinct analysis I have seen.
Taking Autonomy Away From Homeless
” To the editor: As a worker in the mental health field and incoming therapist, I am beyond horrified at the “CARE Court” proposal. (“Newsom’s ‘CARE Court’ homelessness plan faces new questions from lawmakers,” April 26)
It blatantly ignores scientific evidence on the causes of homelessness as well as best practices in therapy. Not only that, but it amplifies the potential effects of medication, something that is not always effective nor a universal panacea. It also assumes that somehow people can be forced to get “better.”
It would be far better and more effective to combat the causes of homelessness rather than the symptoms. The root cause is nearly always trauma related. For suggestions on how to handle this, I recommend Dr. Gabor Maté’s work, particularly “In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts.”
The CARE Court proposal will not help anything. It will create more work for the courts, create trauma for many, and make those who actually could benefit from the supports offered far less likely to seek them.
I urge state leaders not to take people’s autonomy from them in the name of helping them.
”Now sure, the leadership of the Democratic Party have been elected to their positions in order to make political compromises. But this does not mean that it is alright for them to use their positions to promote falsehoods and hysteria. And while many supported the removal of Donald Trump, this does not mean that it is okay to resort to becoming like Trump in order to defeat him at the poles.
Gavin was taking his cues from Fauci, but Fauci's experience was with AIDS. AIDS does not transmit by casual contact, it has a long incubation period which could be over a year, and it has an extremely high mortality rate. On each of these three points, it is the exact opposite of COVID. So what Gavin was saying was just grandstanding and muscle flexing. But there was in it a threat of really harming people's lives. Gavin was fostering superstitious irrational fear, and prejudice.
Gavin gave a police state tone to his COVID response when he said there was going to be "an army of 10,000 contact tracers". And then he said he was going to do "targeted testing into marginalized population groups". That had always been the real danger in COVID, in the fear, predudice, and hysteria that could be unleashed, and that it could be turned against maginalized population groups. Fortunately that is not what happened in 2020, but now in 2022 this is what is happening, as Gavin tries to build Psychaitric Internment Camps. Always, Gavin is just completly blind as to how his policies will effect real people.
Most of the time the idea that someone is "mentally ill" seems to start within the family, and all the more so for those who end up living on the street.
Families of mentally-disturbed speak in support of governor's 'Care Court'
And COVID made for a huge upwards wealth siphon. The precautions hit the lowest income people the hardest. The more someone lived in the off the books economy, and the more funky their housing and relationship arrangements, the harder they were likely to have been hit. And this is why there are today more people living in shelters, in encampmnets, and in tents on sidewalks. So Gavin wants to take those people who have been hit the hardest by the COVID precautions and economic collapse, a collapse which he was a major player in, and designate them as a social meanace and make special courts to contain and medicate them.
And Gavin is levering this off against Republicans, figuring that 40 million Californians have no other choice but to follow him. So he reinforces the ideas of the Republicans just so that he can try to contrast his own supposedly softer approach to theirs. And he assumes that we do not know that the Republican ideas are just talk, not something which the voters would ever stand for. Even in Red States they don't have homeless internment camps. CA voters would never go for this. The reason Gavin thinks he can do it is because of the mental health gloss. It was when Trump came to San Francisco and he started talking about internment camps, that Gavin started talking about involutary psychiatric procedures. Gavin believes that he will come out of this smelling like a rose because he has the Real Estate Sector, Police and Fire Fighters, and County Behavioral Health, all on his side. Clearly he has learned nothing from the well earned first recall drive against him.
This concept of Mental Illness is just a way of taking someone's liberty away without due process, and when they have broken no law. It also attacks one of the most basic principles in our system of justice, the Right to Remain Silent.
Disability Rights California's Response to Governor Newsom's Framework for CARE Courts
Calif. 'CARE Courts' Spark Concerns Over Forced Treatment
It has certainly always appeared that the reason for Gavin's Care Courts Plan is simply to use the concept of Mental Illness to strip the homeless of their autonomy and legitimacy and to put them under case management and into internment camps.
Op-Ed: ‘CARE Court’ is no solution for unhoused people in California
Opinion: Can Newsom’s ‘Care Courts’ actually help?
Without funding, governor’s CARE Court plan is just an empty gesture
Groups Unite to Oppose Landmark California Mental Health Legislation
Anyone who is living on the street has at some point had their life shattered. How this happened, or when, will vary. And many have been so beaten down that they do not know. The vast majority have been tracked into this by the family. But trying to force them to talk will always be very harmful. For most, privacy is the only thing in this world they have left. Trying to make people talk is another version of what is known as Second Rape. And usually the idea that someone is "Mentally Ill" has started within the family.
Sanity, Madness and the Family: Families of Schizophrenics
Having very little in the way of transportation or secure places to store their things, giving the homeless a court appearance will only result in them having a warrant and then having to hide. The homeless will no longer feel that they can trust police or firefighters, and public order depends upon this type of trust.
Gavin wants to take us back to the days of Frank Jordan and his Matrix Program. Police tied up enforcing a zero tolerance approach and writing citiation after citation for sleeping, knowing that the vast majority of these citations will never be paid, and knowing that the homeless really don't have anything to pay with anyway. Jordan's program was such disaster that it made him a one term Mayor. Then Willie Brown came in and Gavin was his protégé. Most of those who followed San Francisco politics were excited about the Green Party candidate Matt Gonzalez. But no matter, Gavin was the darling of the business community, so so he was able to out spend Gonzales 11 to 1, but it was still close. And once in, Gavin wasted no time, money was good for everyone, except for the most poor, so they should not have it. And so now Gavin is again trying to take us back to those times when the unhoused were the scapegoat and were always on the run from the authorities.
NGO’s will try to house people, but they have no illusion that they could ever house everyone. So they only offer it to those who really do want to live by their rules, which means staying clean and sober. And there is no mental health component.
Gavin, on the other hand, is eyeing the windfall tax revenues from the COVID upwards wealth siphon. So his approach is not just housing, it is the internment of a perceived social menace, and this is why it is built first and foremost around courts and mental health. Trump had talked about internment camps, but Gavin is the one who actually believes that he can do it.
Even as it is now, many who are experiencing homelessness know that they have to stay away from what shelter and transitional housing space is available, lest Social Services be given a chance to construct a biography on them and then this be used to support a mental health case against them.
And in municipalities across California now, there are more and more accounts of the unhoused being targeted for police harassment. Officers are asking them personal things, things which have no possible relation to anything presently at hand which the officer could be concerned about. Officers will ask things like, "How long have you been homeless?" or "Don't you have relatives around here?" These officers are trying to build a biography on the party, as that is the beginnings of making a mental health case against them. Not all of the unhoused necessarily know right now how important it is to draw a privacy line with police. And not all police take well to someone who does that.
We all want to see that everyone is always housed, and we need a strong public housing offering to contain private real estate gentrification. But before we can get there, broad based public understanding will have to built, so that we are ready for deeper changes in the presumptions upon which our economic system is predicated. Only when we have these changes in understanding can we have universal housing, instead of pscychaitric internment and forced drugging.
And people have to understand how the mental health system is what enforces the dictates of capitalism, and how people are tracked into it by the family.
If someone is unhoused they have no social armor. They will be targetted all day long by people who want to project their own scorn, contempt, and pity on to them. So once someone is unhoused they learn that 95% of the people who approach them in a given day they have to brush off. But Gavin wants to defeat this basic self protection by hiring judges for each of the 58 counties to make the homeless comply, so that they can be forced to surrender what ever autonomy they still have, and then be made into basket cases by the Mental Health System.
Web Town Hall
Even though infuriated day after day by Gavin's Grandstanding and Gaslighting over COVID, as a lifelong Democrat I refused to participate in the recall campaign because I did not want his seat to go to a Republican. I wanted him to just resign. At least the recall attempt kept Gavin silent for a while.
But then right after, Gavin was back at it again, bragging that he was imposing the first vaccine mandate for school children. He was demanding that they be needled with a so called vaccine which probably never should have been allowed onto the market in the first place. The FDA was refusing to comply with the Freedom of Information Act and disclose the qualifying data, saying it was going to take over 50 years, while Gavin was playing with the long term health of school children, children as young as 5yo, just to try and embarrass Ron DeSantis
Gavin is targeting the homeless right now, because that is who our society has set up to be the scapegoats. But once such scapegoating starts, it knows know bounds.
With his daily COVID Press Conferences, and with his Grandsanding and Gaslighting, Gavin was trying to make a new kind of society, one which is without viruses, The Republic of Hygienic Virtue, and he was to be our Supreme Being. He wants everyone to be living in a Mental Hospital, or an Internment Camp, because that way they won't care if their livelyhoods are destroyed. And he wants everyone to have a case manager, because that way they'll be used to someone talking to them the way Gavin does. His posturing was so offensive that it almost got Gavin recalled. But now he is trying to do the same thing again. Gavin and Mark Ghaly want everyone to be subjected to psychiatric policing and court evaluation, because that will scare labor organizers, and they want all business to be subject to government approval, because that will control what people can do, and they want all economic activity to be subject to government review, because that will frighten even government employees into staying in unworkable situations. That Gavin might want to do something to benefit the homeless is overshadowed by the fact that he is trying to set up a Psychiatric Police State. Gavin is not a progressive, he is a totalitarian.

Gavin had an easy time getting in in 2018 and in the recall because there was so much anti-Trump sentiment. And I got his email messages, "Republicans are trying to get me out, please send money." Well in a two party system you have to expect that. The parties are about equal size and the other one will always be primed to go against you. And then it was "Trump Republicans are trying to get me out." So now it was a smaller subset. And what Gavin fails to understand is that these are all California voters. Gavin would be nowhere without wacko Republicans to hold up to delegitimate the oppostion. He runs against the supporters of the other candidates, rather than against the other candidates themselves.
Gavin really irritates people. The first time I was moved to call KQED radio was because I was so angered the first time I heard the name and voice of newly elected S.F. Supervisor Gavin Newsom, and the utter contempt he held for South of Market residents. It's just like how he refused to see how much he was harming people with his COVID hysteria and blamed the recall drive on Republicans and on Trump Republicans, and today how he refuses to see how much trouble Care Courts is going to cause for people who are trying to rebuild their lives. Should he get re-elected now, there will be another recall drive. Best is if he would just resign now and let the Lt. Governor take over and be the incumbent.
I am not a Republican. Coming of age in the Civil Rights and Anti-War Movements, and coming to political consciousness in '68 and '72, I could never support any Republican.
I opposed the Gray Davis recall and I stayed silent during the recall against Gavin because I did not want their seats to go to Republicans. I wanted Gavin to just resign.
It's ironic that with over 200 years of advancing industrial technology and so much money having been put into weaponry, that at this time when we have now the ability to convert that technology and to take care of every single person better than even royalty had lived in past centuries, and where everyone could have a life of comparative leisure, that we still allow free floating real estate prices to keep the vast majority running in squirrel cages, and that we have now come so see a large portion of the population as completely expendable and suitable for internment and psychiatric drugging.
Imagine if we handled agricultural land in the same Gilded Age way that we now handle housing. At this point then there would be very little land in production. The rest of it would be used by speculators. Besides buying and selling, they would do little more than installing electronic security and putting up No Trespassing signs. For one individual to feed themselves it would by now cost over $100 per day. And then anyone without that $100 could be found to be suffering from mental illness and in need of drugging, internment, and conservatorship.
Well fortunately we do not handle agricultural land that way. As it is in most industrialized countries, agricultural land is protected by the central government, and so are food prices. Since the Great Depression the federal government has protected agricultural land, and paid out subsidies to limit production and protect the prices, while at the same time buying up large quantities of food.
This is not socialism, it's simply the government using its authority to protect capitalism from itself. We need to have a strong public housing offering.
When there was the recall against Gray Davis, Democrats offered up Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante. And Bustamante would have made a fine Governor. But the turnout in a recall election is very different from a scheduled general election. If only Davis had just resigned before the recall drive was certified, Bustamante could have taken over and he would have been very re-electable.

Gavin survived the first recall against him because the otherside lacked a credible candidate, and because of anger against Trump. Now we need to drop Gavin and have him resign. Gavin angers people, and it is not just Republicans.
Gavin is not a progressive. He is not a Democrat in the FDR and LBJ mold. Listen to President Biden before the IBEW and before the AFL-CIO. Gavin would not be worthy of tying Joe Biden's shoes. All Gavin has ever offered to working people is pity, as his COVID hysteria pushed more and more people from regular employment into itinerant employment. Gavin is a neo-liberal. This is a repackaging of the old social Darwinism, and of the doctrines of the Nazi Party. It's just being presented in a different way, sugar coated, and as the lesser of other evils and as some kind of a necessity.
Very few abuse survivors would be able persevere in their struggle for political consciousness and self-awareness after a session with a court ordered psychotherapist, or after a dose of psychiatric neurotoxins. Mental illness is defined by what a person says. Newsom is trying to take away the last thing many who have been pushed to the margins in our society still have left in this world, their privacy.
And why is Gavin always so unable to see the effects that his policies have on real people? Is it simply because Gavin has never had to work a day in his life? There has always money behind him to start businesses, boutique businesses, vanity businesses, frivolous business, and to have people with far more smarts than he could ever have around to run them, and then to be able to sell them at great profit. He has never had to face the sorts of bottom of the barrel work environments, things which often as not don't even pay as agreed, and where if you show any ability you will certainly be fired, which the vast majority of the homeless have had to try and live off of. Its been nice for Gavin. But some have to actually earn their living and their social position. A hysterical response to COVID and Mental Health Courts makes that very hard.

Gavin has no occupational standing to protect, just like his income does not depend on being able to show up and work with people f2f. So the COVID hysteria was no direct threat to him like it has been for others.
We have Work Readiness Programs, Recovery Programs, and Salvation Ministries, which the homeless are routinely subjected to, and usually with government complicity. Gavin would never need to be worried about anything like this. Just like he wouldn't need to worry about being subjected to the mental health system or to Care Courts. Gavin lives in a completely different strata than the people who are subjected to his initiatives.
If he should get re-elected, then there will be another recall drive. Gavin irritates the hell out of people, and it's not just those on the opposite side of the asile. Gavin makes all Liberals look like Fascists, and all Democrats look like Idiots.
Mark Ghaly and Tom Umberg are presenting SB1338 before committees. But they are not being straight about what it does, or on how much power it gives to its courts and to others who can refer someone to the court. Ghaly and Umberg are liars. The homeless are already a target, and this just makes it that much worse. Ghaly and Umberg seem to want people to trust them, but there is no basis for this trust when they continually try to avoid admitting what this legislation would do. Trying to turn poverty and homelessness into mental illness is nothing new. This is why many in need of shelters and transitional housing will decline them when they are available. They recognize that they can't put themselves into positions where they could become targets for Social Services. The words that come out of one's own mouth, repeated out of context, are always the most damning. People know that they cannot playball with Social Services and let them construct anything like a biography. Ghaly and Umberg have no credibility and their deceptive role in this is shameless. They are trying to get something passed which is persecutory.
Gavin's Care Courts, SB1338 and AB2830, and Al Muratsuchi's Homeless Courts Pilot Program, AB2220, violate due process and they would really screw up the lives of some of the most vulnerable, forcing them further underground. We must oppose these. And we must drop Gavin Newsom and support someone else!

Advocates Argue against the Governor’s Proposed CARE Court; Davis Vanguard No to CARE Court: Meet the Advocate - May 16, 2022 Western Center on Law & Poverty Mark Ghaly, Gavin's Doctor They see the vociferous opposition from the ACLU, the Ella Baker Center, Disability Rights California, and Human Rights Watch. That should be like driving down the road and seeing a sign, "Bridge Out!" So why do they keep on ploughing ahead and who is pulling their strings and how? Susan Eggman-K. Jeffrey Jafri debate at University of the Pacific, Oct 16, 2012 Jan 2020, running for the State Senate, this seems to be one of her main themes, that homelessness is mental illness. And this was before the COVID response threw everything into suspense and put a lot more people out on the street. And multiple accounts of her family members who accepted the concept of mental illness for themselves. Usually the unhoused and those cast as mentally ill are those who have been cast into the role of family scapegoat. And usually the family scapegoat is the one who cannot live the denial systems. Hearing other things she has said about being a social worker would suggest that she feels that this scapegoating is warranted, and that it is the scapegoats themselves who are at fault, and that this is what underlies her zeal to intern and medicate. Opponents of the proposal do not like that the court could order “involuntary treatment” such as medication for severely ill patients who are resistant to care. Human Rights Watch said the system would “rob individuals of dignity and autonomy” through “a system of involuntary, coerced treatment.”Bram Begonia, president of the Bay Area Rescue Mission, said he doesn’t believe involuntary treatment will be as effective as his organization’s holistic approach, which emphasizes helping people voluntarily transform their mind, body, and soul. Begonia said recovery has two basic steps: the person struggling with mental health issues must admit there is a problem and want a solution.“Those two things seem to be very overlooked from a human rights standpoint in this bill,” Begonia said. |
Q&A: Sen. Eggman discusses new behavioral health bill package and mental health conservatorships "Sen. Susan Eggman: “My priority for this legislative session has really been a focus on mental health and seeing what we can do to repair the mental health care system. In the Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services … we’re working hard to get the budget out. As the crisis that we’ve seen on our streets has continued to increase … I really try to focus this year on … [really looking] across the entire continuum of care at the spectrum of all the places where people can fall out of our system, and see if we can make repairs to really improve outcomes for people’s lives." Eggman works in Mental Health, Social Work, and Euthanasia. The unhoused, the family scapegoats, are mentally ill, they should be tangled up in courts, interned, medicated, and placed under conservatorship. Some want to make the unhoused disapear. Eggman sees it as her personal mission to round them up and destroy them. IHA Video Conference, Assemblymember, Susan Talamantes Eggman Susan Eggman and some big city CA mayors "But one of the silver linings coming out of the pandemic is the state surplus of budget that gives us real opportunities to tackle these issues at a much more holistic and comprehensive way." Most of the time the Central Valley will vote more conservatively than the Bay Area. But when it comes to the major municipalities, most of the time they will still elect Demorats. But this last time round there were some surprise Republican victories, and it is being presented as though the unhoused are the major issue, the people who were the most severely effected by the COVID response. Eggman is behind a whole raft of legislation. And it all seems to be in the medical police state realm. So what demons are driving her, and is she really the original souce? Senator Kamlager remarks on SB 1338 CARE Court. Clearly she has very strong and very legitimate reservations about Care Court. So why is she still voting for it, and what is making these people afraid to oppose it? The only one so far who has shown the courage to speak and vote against it has been Assembly Member Ash Kalra. |
Take on Susan Eggman: Seems that she sees the Family Scapegoats as a social menace and as people deserving of involutary psychiatric procedures. Eggman does not side with the designated scapegotes, she instead sides with the parents. Getting involved in Mental Health and Social Work has suited her well because it gives her a platform from which to talk down to people and to tell them how they are supposed to live. And she wants to find vindication for her views by getting these Scapegoats tangled up in courts, by making them disclose their affairs to therapists, and by having their minds attacked with neurotoxins, getting them into internment facilities, and by imposing conservatorship on them. She is working out her own denial systems, and so she has found vulnerable groups of the population to do it on. And of course if she lived someplace else and wasn't LGBT, and wasn't always on the public payroll and so attached to spending copious amounts of money, she would be a Republican. And Eggman has also legalized euthanasia.
Eggman has a curious history:
Eggman did her doctorate in Oregon, then she got such a law passed in CA, over the objections of Disability Rights California and the Catholic Church.
Sen. Eggman’s Legislation Removing Safeguards in California Assisted Suicide Law
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
In opposition in the bill analysis is Disability Rights California:
Disability Rights California focuses on two issues in its letter of opposition. First, it objects to the removal of the 15-day waiting period to obtain a prescription on the basis that, “Many people requesting assisted suicide have changed their minds—some living decades beyond their prognosis, having achieved a cure for the supposedly “terminal” illness.” Second, they object to the elimination of the final attestation, in which the patient affirms that they are voluntarily taking the lethal drugs at the time of ingestion. According to Disability Rights California, “This removal puts patient autonomy at risk, opening the door to abuse by greedy heirs or abusive caregivers. No reporting, no 3rd party witnesses at time of death make it so no one would ever know if the person changed their mind or if there was coercion.” They also add that, “It is premature and dangerous to make the End of Life Act permanent in the absence of data that would help us better understand the impact of assisted suicide on Californians.”
Plans Are Being Laid To Make Care Courts Into An Unenforceable Laughing Stock!
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